Educating the Public on Evidence-based methods for improving inter-group civility.

Help and FAQ

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Your first step in getting started with contributing to the site is to register and log in:

Login Box for FAQ

If you have not done so already, please create a new account. Assuming you have registered, log in using this box (available on the home page on the bottom of the right sidebar).

Once you have logged in, you will see the login box has changed:

Logged In for FAQ

This list will look slightly different depending on the type of account you have, but two items are worth noting. First, Help and FAQ will bring you to this page. Second, Create content will allow you to add new content to the site. If you have already been assigned a page to work on you do not need to create new content, but instead can edit existing content (skip ahead if this is the case). If this is not the case, click the add content link and choose the following content type:

Page Content for FAQ

From here, you can create a new page. You will need to include a page title, and if needed, you can specify where to put the link to the page within the site's primary menu (the links running on top of each page under the banner). Click to expand the following image:

Create Content for FAQ

Otherwise, you can use the visual editor to add content to your page. Once you are finished editing your page, be sure to click Save at the bottom of the page.

Editing Existing Content

To edit existing content, first browse to that page. Once logged in, you will notice that each page has a few options available. For example:

Page Edit Options for FAQ
To edit content, click the Edit tab. You will be presented with the edit content page as seen above. You will now be able to edit the page using the visual editor (don't forget to hit Save at the bottom of the page when you are done).

To bettter understand how to use the visual editor, please consult the user guide here (opens in a new window). I have included the most useful information below:

Quick Reference

Below you will find an overview of all features available in the default CKEditor toolbar.

Working with a Document

Toolbar Button Description
Source View or edit the source code of the document (for advanced users). See Document Source.
Save Save the contents of CKEditor and submit its data to the server, when CKEditor is placed inside an HTML form. See Saving Content.
New Page Clear the editing area and create a new page. See Creating a New Page.
Preview Show a preview of the document in the shape that will be displayed to end users. See Document Preview.
Templates Select a layout template. See Templates.
Cut Cut the selected text fragment to the clipboard. See Cut.
Copy Copy the selected text fragment to the clipboard. See Copy.
Paste Paste content copied to the clipboard along with formatting. See Paste.
Paste as plain text Paste content copied to the clipboard without formatting. See Paste as Plain Text.
Paste from Word Paste content copied from Microsoft Word or similar applications along with formatting. See Paste from Word.
Print Print document contents. See Printing.
Insert Page Break for Printing Insert a page break. This only impacts the printed version. See Page Breaks.
Check Spelling Spell Check As You Type Check spelling of the document text or turn on the Spell Check As You Type (SCAYT) feature. See Spell Checking.
Undo Redo Undo or redo the most recent action performed. See Undo and Redo.
Find Find a word or phrase in the document. See Find.
Replace Find and replace a word or phrase in the document. See Replace.
Select All Select all contents of the document. See Text Selection.
Remove Format Remove the formatting of the selected text. See Remove Format.
Maximize Maximize the editor in the browser window. See Resizing and Maximizing CKEditor.
Show Blocks Highlight all block-level elements in the document. See Show Blocks.
About CKEditor Show information about CKEditor. See CKEditor Version.

Text Styling

Toolbar Button Description
Bold Italic Underline Strike Through Apply bolditalicunderline or strike-through formatting to the text. See Bold, Italic, Underline, and Strike-through.
Subscript Superscript Apply superscript or subscript formatting to the text. See Subscript and Superscript.
Formatting Styles Apply pre-defined combinations of various formatting options to block and inline elements. See Formatting Styles.
Paragraph Format Apply pre-defined block-level combinations of various formatting options. See Paragraph Format.
Font Name Change the typeface of the text. See Font Name.
Font Size Change the font size of the text. See Font Size.
Text Color Change the color of the text. See Text Color.
Background Color Change the background color of the text. See Background Color.

Text Layout

Toolbar Button Description
Decrease Indent Increase Indent Increase or decrease text indentation. See Text Indentation.
Block Quote Format a block of text as indented quotation. See Block Quote.
Create Div Container Create a new div element in document source. See Creating Div Container.
Align Left Center Align Right Justify‎ Set text alignment (left, centered, right or justified). See Text Alignment.
Text direction from left to right Text direction from right to left Set text direction as from left to right (default value for most Western languages) or from right to left (languages like Arabic, Persian, Hebrew).
Insert Horizontal Line Insert a divider line (horizontal rule) into the document. See Horizontal Line.

Rich Text

Toolbar Button Description
Insert/Remove Numbered List Insert/Remove Bulleted List Create a numbered or bulleted list. See Creating Lists.
Link Unlink Create or remove a hyperlink in the text. These features may also be used to manage file uploads and links to files on the web server. SeeLinks, E-Mails and Anchors.
Anchor Insert a link anchor to the text. See Anchors
Image Insert an image into the document. See Inserting Images.
Flash Insert an Adobe Flash object into the document. See Inserting Flash
Table Create a table with the defined number of columns and rows. See Creating Tables.
Smiley Insert an emoticon image (smiley or icon). See Inserting Smileys.
Insert Special Character Insert a special character or symbol. See Inserting Special Characters.
IFrame Insert an inline frame (iframe). See Inserting IFrames.

Form Elements

Toolbar Button Description
Form Insert a new form into the document. See Creating Forms
Checkbox Insert a checkbox into the document form. See Checkbox
Radio Button Insert a radio button into the document form. See Radio Button
Text Field Insert a text field into the document form. See Text Field
Textarea Insert a multi-line text area into the document form. See Textarea
Selection Field Insert a selection field into the document form. See Selection Field
Button Insert a button into the document form. See Button
Image Button Insert an image button into the document form. See Image Button
Hidden Field Insert a hidden field into the document form. See Hidden Field
Our goal is to educate the public about social science research on improving inter-group relations across moral divides.