Educating the Public on Evidence-based methods for improving inter-group civility.


Groups/sites devoted to increasing civility, in government and in the public at large

Groups/sites devoted to conflict reduction/resolution, particularly those who address political/moral disputes

Other relevant websites

  •, a site that presents information and arguments on both sides of controversial issues. It’s a great tool for teachers, or anyone interested in learning about both sides of an argument.
  • The original moralistic politics workshop website
  •, a site that tracks examples of incivility in the media
  • United Republic: working to build a left-right coalition to reduce the role of money and corruption in politics
  •, a book in progress by David Schoenbrod, which diagnoses the tricks that Congress is incentivized to play, which allow it to get credit for taking actions while passing on the costs of those actions to others, particularly to future congresses.
  •, an organization that promotes ethics events in the community, based in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Instructions for contributors

Our goal is to educate the public about social science research on improving inter-group relations across moral divides.