Educating the Public on Evidence-based methods for improving inter-group civility.

Negotiation examples

On this page you'll find cases and examples to illustrate the ideas on our Assisted Negotiations page.


Brief piece I wrote, "Why Bother With Consensus Building?"

A Short Guide to Consensus Building:  An Alternative to Robert's Rules of Order for Groups, Organizations and Ad Hoc Assemblies that Want to Operate By Consensus

…used with permission from the authors of "Breaking Robert's Rules" by Jeffrey Cruikshank and Lawrence Susskind

Excellent blogs on public disputes, consensus building and negotiations:

Wiki on The Mutual Gains Approach to Negoiation:

Nice book review of one of Chris Moore's books, describing the role of the mediator (or assisting party):

A seminal chapter from the Consensus Building Handbook on how to conduct a conflict assessment – a process that can lead to structuring and managing a more participatory process in contentious disputes, and has been used hundreds of times to determine whether and how consensus building could work in specific situations:


…used with permission from the author

An example of successful negotiated rulemaking:

Example of a set of bipartisan policy recommendations (arrived at via consensus building) regarding America's long term response to the muslim world:

A thoughtful piece on the challenge of mediating values-based disputes (i.e. ones with sacralized issues – you have this already but it should go on the resource page)

Nice piece on how urban planners are learning to incorporate negotiation and consensus building into their work:

Nice piece on resolving disputes in developing countries:

Bibiolography (I'll update later):

Our goal is to educate the public about social science research on improving inter-group relations across moral divides.